What are you looking to revive?
Open Soil
Break down organic matter
Release nutrients
Buffer salts
Increase water penetration
Increase water retention
Greener lawn
Fix nitrogen
Better tasting food
Stimulate humus growth
Stimulate microbial activity
Build disease resistance​​
Reduce water use
Reduce fertilizer use
Increase quality
Increase yield
Increase aeration
Reduce stress on roots
Buffer toxins​
And much more...
Biological Soil Amendment
Bactifeed focuses on positively impacting soil as quickly as possible. To start the process, we have you brew the microbes in water, and let them multiply. By the time it's applied to your soil, you could be adding trillions of microbes into the ground! Those microbes continue to work the soil and result in many benefits.
Soils vary and so do results. Some soils may take longer or heavier doses of Bactifeed to see results. Other soils may take as little as 30 days.